Saturday, September 13, 2008

This week we started a new block, Behaviorial Sciences. Learning about the human mind, psychology and all that sounded very interesting to me as even before this i've read quite a few books on the topic. So, you could say i had high hopes when i started this block. But after one week...honestly i think i'm not quite enjoying it as much as i thought i would. I'm not going to air my dissatisfactions here cause i think that maybe there shoud be more initiative on my part to get the class to be more fun so i'll keep my opinions for the end of the block. Who knows? Maybe i'll be singing a different tune then

Ever since the fasting month started, i've been coming back on weekends so i've had some time to watch some telly. I so enjoy watching Oprah's Big Give ...somehow I always shed some tears watching this show. It's awesome watching this whole group of people acting so selflessly and then seeing the change they make in other people's lives. Also, watching 8tv has been somewhat kind of a walk down memory lane...they air shows like Beverly Hills and Boy Meets World, which i was so into when i was in primary school.

Fasting month has been good so far. I break-fast at college and usually do my terawih there. It feels great and you feel like one whole huge family. Because most days are quite busy, the weeks go by quite fast and the time for breaking fast seems to come by fast enough.

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