Sunday, March 8, 2009

Abu Hurairah, radiyallahu 'anhu, reported that a man said to the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam:

"Advise me! "The Prophet said, "Do not become angry and furious." The man asked (the same) again and again, and the Prophet said in each case, "Do not become angry and furious."
[Al-Bukhari; Vol. 8 No. 137]

The last two weeks or so, i've gotten into the habit of waking up and reaching for the Hadith Bukhari lying in a pile of books next to me. I've found that it never fails to give me some sort of motivation to start off the day in a good mood, especially when I have to wake up for a 2 hour lecture after having slept for only a few hours.I usually just pick a random page.

Today, i opened the page to the hadith above. How apt.

Trying to control my anger has been the hardest thing to do this week.

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