Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New Blog, New Lifestyle

Salam to all.
Haven't been blogging for more than a month. A lot of things have happened but i've been so busy and most of the time i've already planned transcripts of what i want to write, but by the time i get back i'm just thinking about sleep.

Anyway, good news! I survived four weeks of ever-dreadful biochemistry. haha. I know it's terrible to say you dislike something but seriously, after we finished our finals for biochem, i felt like this huge burden had just been lifted of me. I think if i had to take small doses of it , it wouldn't have been so bad, but this was one subject where i wished it wasn't done in a block system. But it wasn't all bad- i did like the last week where they talked about protein synthesis and genetics.

Academics weren't so fun the last four weeks but a lot of other happy things went on in my life. We started our weekly usrah meetings. This is my first time joining usrah so it was a new ex perience for me. It's a refreshing, different, fun and thereapuetic experience. really. I like when we discuss things that are actually happening around us and every week we remind ourselves about simple things we may forget. :)

We're studying pathology now. I don't think it's too early to say that i love this block. Or maybe it's just that i'm so happy to leave biochem that anything seems better. But seriously, pathology is about when things go wrong in our cell and i'm just constantly amazed at how intelligent our body is and how logical things are. It's really a testament of God's greatness.

Also, i've changed my routine around a bit. I don't stay at the main camp as long now. I'm trying to be more healthy without affecting my studying time. So far it's worked out fine. I truly feel now how if you have a purpose in life everything become's more meaningful and at the end of most days, i feel content. Alhamdullilah.

1 comment:

Yana Azhar said...


i'm glad u're ok and enjoying pathology. and i think i called u when ur biochem mcm baru nak start. and it is so amazing that 4weeks fly super laju. kan? anyway, just give me a buzz whenever u dah sampai jb ok? miss u!