Monday, June 23, 2008


Our memory is what we retain and it's from there that we retrieve information. It's amazing the number of things we can remember or what kind of things we store into memories. Like the fact that i can remember clearly the day one of my aunties gave birth when i was about 6 yrs old and how the strawberry jelly on her dinner tray looked incredibly delicious. Or the vague memory of me and my sister silently fighting behind the sofa using badminton rackets and hitting each other.

I've just started playing piano for 2 weeks or so. And my coordination is way out of touch and i still struggle with trying to get my left hand to work in relation to my right hand. But it's amazing how i can flawlessly play certain pieces from like ages ago. There's this one piece 'greensleeves' which i loved to play when i was in primary school. And i was looking for the music sheet that day but i guessed i must have lost it so i thought i'd just try play it by ear. And surprisingly i could play it...i mean at first i was at times clanking the wrong notes but like as i went on i just seemed to remember where my hands should go. haha.

" Don't look into mirrors. They only show what you believe are your flaws"


Yana Azhar said...

u've been talking about your piano lesson a lot. i guess u're loving it huh? u're soooooo gonna play a piece for me! i dont care.

NAB said...

haha. yeah, i guess. especially since i havent played for a long time...we'll see..i haven't got used to playing for people yet..haha