Friday, June 13, 2008

Driving Fever

Been having my driving lessons for the past week. it's been damn tiring weyh. Have to say i still am not so into it. I think im doing ok considering the fact that the last time i practiced it was a year ago. learned how to park today. wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. But it wasn't so fun doing just that for two hours.haix....and it's not as if those tiangs will be there in real life driving. but overall, im just hopes i can get over it soon. i'm in no hurry to start driving my own car or anything though. im happy letting people drive me around....hehe. thanks nebbe! haha

Also, yesterday went out for my auntie's bday party. Having a family which is quite rojak with chinese, indian and malay makes us, the members of the family look not so alike with each other. So its not a rarity to find some people looking at us with this like ' how did this bunch of people end up together' look when we go out together. Which i find ridiculous. i mean, hello? We living in Malaysia people. I remember once when we going through customs in London, this officer would not let my mum through cause he was convinced she was of Chinese nationality. We had to convince him that i was the daughter( seeing i looked most like her in the family), it was quite a funny moment for a while.

My sister is coming back today. Yeay! i miss her so much. It was fun having the house to myself for a month and a half, but now i'm ready to share.hehe. I was cleaning up the room so it would look presentable yesterday and i found some photographs from a few years back,during form 5. Felt so nostalgic for a moment. Especially, when i realise that i've only kept in touch with a few and even then i don't get to see them that much. hwa3. And this is only college life!!!(like u said yana)....and i just know that its going to be even hectic down the road. Looking at my sister is like seeing what my life will prob be like in first year.

But hey ! that's life right? i should cherish the fact that at least i have not lost touch with my closest friends.

Top 5 Memories in Form 5
1. Winning ISM (especially w hen i won it with my closest friends)
2. 17th bday party. ( i loved that awesome photo frame with the cute now and then photos)
3. Add math tuition. ( im being a nerd here.if u knew who my teacher was, u'd love it too)
4. All those times spent in Kerrys between and after tuition.
5. Our post-SPM outing


Yana Azhar said...

i couldnt agree more with you bout top5 list u got there. especially ISM n en.rahim's tuition. and the time when we had to go for add maths tuition at 7 in the MORNING!!
goshh.. i miss u!

atim said...

u top5 list is like v.v.v.v.true!
i miss those moments!!
n i really like d part where we get d whole hotel room just for us.
its super cool!!!
plus winning it was awsome!

haha.ttn en.rahim best i look forward to go every week.
except when i xsiap d work.
but we laughed non stop.
n my nail clipping issue..